Stuff we've done:
- John Schnall's independent films have won over sixty awards
and distinctions in film festivals around the country and world. So why haven't
you bought DEATH LAUGHS AMONG US yet?
- The Last Speakers: produced animation for this documentary
on vanishing languages, for Ironbound
- Not Dead, Not Dying: A music video for the group
ing. You can see it here. And
there's plenty more flash films from Quality Schnallity Inc right here.
- TV Funhouse: We produced a film for the cable TV show,
in which the members of Black Sabbath have a zany adventure in Hawaii. Here
are some stills.
- A Little Curious: We produced a film for the HBO series.
Here's a preview.
- Short Films By Short People: The Great Switcheroo produced
for Nickelodeon's Creative Lab. Here's a preview of this short film, currently
in Nickelodeon's interstitial line-up.
- Tourette Syndrome Association: we produced a series of
PSA's. Take a look over here.
- Jumbo Studios/Cartoon Pizza: John Schnall directed "JoJo's
Circus", a highly sucessful Disney Channel series, for all three seasons.
He also supervised Sheet Timing on the 1998-99 season of "Doug"
and assistant directed/supervised timing on "P. B. and J. Otter"
and "Stanley", all for the Disney Channel.
- MTV: X-Ray: station id.
- Animation: on so many commercials the list would make your
head spin.
- Sesame Street: we've produced 12 spots, including a series
featuring playing cards coming to life and dancing (T - Tango, M - Mambo,
- Troubles the Cat: storyboards and opening animation, for
The Ink Tank.
- Music and Sound Design: for Dovas Animation, Baboon Animation,
- Midnight Matinee:
A radio show Schnall produced for several years on WFMU-fm. If you get real close to your radio and stare
into the light inside, you can actually see the program... Also produced The
Phone Jam, where listeners would perform music together in a big over
the air conference call.
- Animation Camera: for Metropolis Graphics, Bill Plympton,